D1.1 Description of system requirements and architectures_Publishable summary

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D1.2 Selection of components for the condition monitoring system_Publishable summary

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D1.3 Description and assessment of methods for condition monitoring_Publishable summary

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D1.4 Technology concepts for condition monitoring and theri final assessment_Publishable summary

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D2.1_Performance Requirement Statement for Optimised Running Gear using Novel Materials

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D2.2 Load case for assessment of optimized running gear using novel materials_Publishable summary

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D2.3 Report on novel materials and manufacturing concept solutions

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D2.4 Assessment of the potential benefits of novel materials_Publishable summary

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D3.1 State of the art of actuator technology

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D3.2 New actuation systems for conventional vehicles and an innovative concept for a two-axle vehicl

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D3.3 Proposals for authorisation strategy for rail vehicles with active suspension

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D3.4 Impact assessment_Publishable summary

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D4.1 Description of methods for characterizing suspension elements

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D4.2 Complete virtual test method for structureborne and airborne noise transmission

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D4.3 Validation of complete virtual test method for structure-borne and airborne noise transmission

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D4.4 Assessment of noise reduction technologies for running gear_Publishable summary

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D5.1 Set-up public website

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D5.2 Data Management Plan_Publishable summary

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D5.3 Set up a dissemination and exploitation plan for the project_Publishable summary

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D5.4 Dissemination and Exploitation activities report

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D5.5 Report on the project results-achievements for future S2R activities_Publishable summary

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D5.6 Report on RUN2Rail Targeted Impacts_Publishable summary

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D5.7 Assessment results and impacts including direct RS impact_Publishable summary

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D6.1 Quality Plan_Publishable summary

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777564

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