Condition monitoring

New methods for the condition monitoring of the running gear will be elaborating, exploiting the availability of smart sensors. Examples are the use of embedded self-powered sensors to monitor wheels and axles, low cost units to diagnose the health of the complete gear chain/bearings/motor unit, methods for diagnosing the condition of suspension components.

Novel materials additive manufacturing

3D printing methods will be used to develop designs for running gear that maximise the potential of this technique. The methods used will be captured in a tool or description of the methodology.

Novel materials  design of composite materials

In the project we will be investigating the most effective designs for composite fibre reinforced materials. The methods will be captured and made available for wider use.

Active suspension

For authorisation of rail vehicles with active suspension methods involving tools like FMEA and FTA will be suggested and demonstrated.
Simulation models and tools, useful also for future virtual prototyping, also within the authorisation process (virtual certification).

A comprehensive prediction methodology for noise and vibration transmission into the carbody will be implemented and validated.
Can be used by all vehicle suppliers in the future. Suitable for contribution to a virtual certification method addressing the running-gear related noise sources (e.g. for requirements such as TSI driver's cab noise, and other future requirements).


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777564

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