Reduce Life Cycle Costs (LCC)
Reduction of costs for bogie sensors (S2R target -50%).
Reduction of bogie associated maintenance costs
(S2R target -20%).
Reduce time in which vehicles are stopped for maintenance (target -20%).
Reduced costs associated with infrastructure damage (target -10%).

Reduce vehicle mass
Reduction of running gear mass (target to be quantified during the project)

Reduce wheel and track wear
  • Increase of wheel life (S2R target +25%).
  • Reduction of rail wear (S2R target -10%).

Reduce noise transmission from the running gear to the carbody
  • Improve passenger comfort
  • Inform standards

Improved tools  and methodologies
Models developed in the project can be used by European vehicle suppliers in the future


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777564

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